Wanderlust ~ the rising costs of adventure

Wanderlust ~ the rising costs of adventure

I’m sure a lot of you are planning your road trip destinations to weddings, long awaited celebrations, RVing/camping trips or perhaps just the open road with absolutely no destination in mind (my fave).

Just one thing… did you plan a travel budget?

With gas prices on the rise it may be worth planning how much you want to spend for your get away so you don’t break the bank and go home with travelers remorse.

A good way to plan is to know the mileage between where you are ,where you want to go and how much you plan to drive once you get there.

Also you will want to know the gas prices within the towns you are traveling through in case they are much higher or even better, lower then your home town prices.

AAA has the gas price averages in all the states;)

Once you gather your estimated driving mileage you can budget for fuel costs and any other added expense you may have like snacks, special stops, or an unexpected car cost.

This will help keep you in check when you’re on the road feeling carefree and captivated in the journey. Wanderlust and adventure of the unknown can make you feel limitless especially when it comes to spending.

You can sustain this feeling and still keep a handle on your finances with a little preparation.

Make sure you come home feeling renewed and recharged not traumatized and stressed about your depleted funds.

Having a budget durning uncertain times will give you the freedom to enjoy the moments and create happy travel memories.

Use this easy and effective way to calculate your costs and also observe the mileage you will be putting on your vehicle (especially if it’s a lease)

I hope this will help give you peace of mind to get out and cruise a little more often.

Happy travels 🚘

Lori DiPasquale
CEO & Founder
TitleKeyCash.com & Girls Guide to Car Buying
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